Wow, how do i describe this place? This place is best described as having "great bones" a really good solid house with excellent amenities but she needs a little tender loving care. You know what its like, you eat like a pig through winter, put on 15 kilos, then as summer nears you go on a massive fitness campaign. Well that’s what this house needs, a 30 day beauty plan and she will be restored to her former glory.

Featuring 5 really good sized bedrooms, timber floors, high ceilings and a great floorplan. The interior of the house has a bit of a crazy paint scheme but that can be easily toned down. There is a fully detached studio that is rather large but the piece de resistance is the indoor swimming pool with its very own grotto!! The land is totally level and 100% usable, its centrally located and has lovely established gardens. A little plastic surgery and this place will look fresher than a Hollywood star!!