Set aprox 35km from Denman, 16km to Merriwa ‘South Gundirbri” has been consolidated up to its present size of 820acres. The property has subdivision potential set already with 3 separate titles. The land is mostly flat to undulating grazing land, with stands of shade timber and a hilly area of aprox 120ac of natural bushland. The block has good areas of black soil creek flats presently under lucerne (see pics) with frontages to halls creek on from both eastern & Western paddocks. The farm has an irrigation license off Halls creek and 6 stock dams. A equipped elec bore near home supplies a large tank that feed troughs & yard & house water as well as rain water storage to the house. A unique feature of this property is the caped spring feed bore which supplies water under pressure without the assistance of a pump. Improvements include the home which is comfortable & roomy, and features a new kitchen, wood heating & air/cond, large outdoor undercover area & lock up car garage. separate to home is a granny flat with kitchen facilities. Other farm improvements include good fencing, Machinery & work shed set with power, large farm shed with fresh water tank, excellent steel yards, shed with power on easter side of halls creek (this block accessible from Westwood Rd).
SOLD WALK IN WALK OUT : Includes aprox 170 head cattle, tractor ect.