* 19 Hectares or 47 Acres
* Flat to gently sloping land
* Abundant native bird and animal life
* Beautiful native bushland
* Permanent waterholes and dam
* Ideal hobby farm, for horses, cattle etc
* 4 bedroom, level, brick and tile family home, dbl garage
* Covered BBQ area
* 12m x 6m Machinery Shed
* 10 mins to Toronto CBD and Lake Macquarie
* 60 mins to Hornsby and 30 to the Hunter Valley
47 acres of flat to gently-sloping land ideal bush retreat and hobby farm for horses or a few cattle. Palmers Ck flows through the property with permanent waterholes & dam. The bushland has an abundant range of native bird and wildlife. Property features a 4 bedroom, level, brick and tile home, 2 bathrooms, a family room, covered BBQ area, double garage, 12m x 6m Machinery Shed. Positioned 10 minutes to Toronto and Lake Macquarie, 5 minutes to F3, 1hr to Hornsby and 30 minutes to the Hunter Valley.