The enquiry code for this property is 1027
Please note this 4 digit code VERY carefully as it is required for all phone enquiries.

- Permanent, crystal-clear pristine creek coming out of the New England wilderness, providing reliable water supply, suitable for swimming and canoeing
- Intermittent rainforest stream on property
- power and phone
- basic 2-BR cabin historic, partly timber building with wood heater and gas stove, water tank, nice yard with some fruit trees
- council approved foundations and floor frame as well as roofing material and beams for homestead on magnificent site with views to high points of the escarpment building timber could be sourced from property
- Potential for eco tourism enterprise, fruit and nut trees on fertile river flats, sustainable living
- ~ forested, cleared
- mixed wet eucalypt forest and some subtropical rainforest
- subtropical climate with reliable rainfall
- very private & secluded location,1 hrs to Kempsey and 2 hrs to Port Macquarie and beaches
- Abundant wildlife wallabies, platypus in creek, and huge diversity of birds
- Bordering World Heritage New England National Park / Wilderness
- Suits nature lovers and tree changers.