A VERY SPECIAL AND UNUSUAL PROPERTY – 180 acres of mostly pristine forest (both rainforest and wet schlerophyl) with extensive additional plantings of endemic species. Walking trails lead to crystal clear streams , waterfalls, giant strangler fig and groves of native palm trees The current owners have created a private and totally secluded retreat in the midst of this beautiful property.

Located at 2938 North Arm Rd, Girralong, approx half hour to the township of Bowraville and 45 minutes from Macksville and requiring a 4WD for access. This property offers a total retreat from modern living with all the comforts . A recently built home with solar power, solar hot water and wood fired heating and cooking offers modern comforts with no energy supply bills. Generous windows open to rainforest views. Water is pumped from the nearby stream when needed.
* 3 b/r home–light filled and just beautiful
* polished concrete floors, wood heater
* Magnificent 4 oven wood stove-heats water also
* 4 kw solar power, inverter, battery banks and generator
* 1x 5000 and 2 x 3000 gal tanks–
* Phone (landline) installed
The property is approved by and registered with "land for Wildlife" in recognition of its exceptional diversity. Note-there is no binding agreement that applies to future owners.
For further information regarding this property or to arrange an inspection please contact NAMBUCCA VALLEY PROPERTY – (02) 6568 3096 – Stewart Curtis on 0432 402 777.