Are you hungry for value? Have you considered Green Point? These motivated sellers have given clear instructions that this property is to be sold over the next few weeks and they are prepared to meet the market – all offers are invited.

Whether you are starting up, slowing down or looking for a good investment, this comfortable three bedroom home is one you must consider. Features:

Brick and tile construction
Three bedrooms, 2 with built-ins
Well equipped kitchen with fairly new oven & cook top
Good size lounge and dining areas with r/c air
Enclosed entertaining area
Single garage

Our sellers mean business and we therefore invite enquiry and offers from interested parties.

Surrounded almost entirely by water, Green Point is situated right on Wallis Lake and is bordered by Booti Booti National park & Seven Mile Beach. Just a short drive from Forster (5 min) and Pacific Palms (10 min), Green Point is a water lovers paradise with access to some of the best beaches and parts of Wallis Lake, perfect for surfing, fishing or boating. Being a small town of only 9 or so streets, Green Point is perfect for those wishing to live in a quiet peaceful area yet wanting the convenience of being close to Forster.