Hybrid commercial and residential.Ground floor 2 retail shops, 1st floor 1 residential unit.Macksville is situated in the picturesque Nambucca Shire and is exactly halfway between Brisbane and Sydney. The local area is receiving a boost to its economy due to the local upgrade of the Pacific Highway and the increased activity that it brings. This, combined with the council-initiated revitalisation of the town centre, means that the potential for further development and growth in Macksville is real and significant. Due to personal circumstances, am looking to sell a dual commercial and residential property which is situated in the heart of Macksville. The property has 2 floors with the following features: •Ground floor: 2 retail shop fronts occupied by trustworthy tenants with long-term contracts. Equivalent annual gross return in excess of 11%. •First floor: Huge 4-bedroom unit currently occupied by one of the shopowners from the groundfloor. Equivalent annual gross return of 5%. •Overall annual gross return of 8.25% •The property also boasts a garage and back yard which further underlines its practical usability. The options for the property are varied: – It could be left untouched to continue earning good returns (a Self-Managed Super Fund may be ideal for this); or – It could be re-developed into an even higher yielding asset; or – You may seek to split the residential and commercial titles to extract greater value.