The Precinct 2B Old Bar area was identified for rezoning for urban expansion in the Old Bar/Wallabi Point Development Strategy (as adopted by Council and endorsed by the NSW Department of Planning (DOP)). The precinct is located immediately to the west of Old Bar, bounded to the west and north by Red Gum Road, to the east by the existing township of Old Bar, and finishes just south of Old Bar Road.
The area has been subject to a rezoning process since 1999, with a number of studies being undertaken since this time to investigate the suitability of the Precinct for the proposed type of development. It is currently envisaged that the Precinct may cater for up to 1,500 dwellings and include a number of parks, a new commercial area and community center, and a vegetation corridor. This is the largest rezoning currently being considered by Council for development in the Old Bar area.
Council set up a Rezoning Consultation Group (RCG), run by an independent consultant (Project Planner) engaged by Council, to better involve landowner representatives in the rezoning process, (the landowner group was represented on this committee by Ross Davidson who was current chairman / secretary of the landowner group) with the aim of speeding up the rezoning. This resulted in exhibition of the draft Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) in mid-2006. A number of issues were raised by the public and government agencies that then required re-examination of the draft plan.
In July 2008 Council adopted the draft LEP and DCP and resolved to seek gazetted of the rezoning following finalization of two Voluntary Planning Agreements, revision of the Old Bar Section 94 Contributions Plan and preparation by Mid Coast Water of an Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan for Old Bar.(all completed)
This rezoning represents the expansion of the Old Bar township to the west, to support an approximate 1,500 lot residential subdivision, a new commercial area for Old Bar, as well as create a number of parks and a vegetation corridor within Precinct 2B, which adjoins the western edge of the existing township.
This rezoning is estimated to have a constructed development value in the order of $400 million