This is a 313 Ha property in one title. Most of the land is timbered with good stands of merchantable wood.
The property is west of Wards River on the Bucketts Way Rd. It can be accessed by a right of way over an unnamed road at Wards River or alternatively it can be accessed in the north by Berrico Rd and Spring Creek Rd.
In the south eastern area of the block there are cleared paddock areas with Spring Creek passing through it. This would make an excellent house site. At the top of the ridges in this area are open Iron Bark and Spotted gum forests which cattle freely graze through.
The property has a current Private Property Vegetation Plan (PVP) in place for the harvesting of commercial timber. There are good stands of timber all over the block with clumps of young Red Cedar trees in some areas.
On the northern boundary Berrico Rd cuts a corner of the block. On this piece of land there are beautiful views out over the Avon valley to the famous Bucketts at Gloucester.
This is a large unique timbered peace of land that lends itself towards further sub division with council approval. And of course don’t forget the native vegetation. All this and within 3 hours drive of Sydney on sealed Rd.