13 & 15 Pacific Highway, Gateshead are located on the eastern side of the Pacific Highway in the Gateshead business region, South of the main Charlestown Shopping and Commercial Centre, just north of the Newcastle Inner City by-pass.

This prominent location to the main road makes this a key position for marketing and heavy passing traffic exposure.

This site currently provides new and used motor vehicles, retail sales, showrooms and servicing bays with ample hard stand areas.

The properties are currently zoned General Industrial under Lake Macquarie City Council.

Leased to September ’09 for $300,000 P.A plus outgoings.

The properties have approx site area:

13 Pacific Highway Gateshead 3343m²
15 Pacific Highway Gateshead 5314m²
Total site area 8,657m²

For further information please contact Scott McKenzie.