Two vacant industrial lots located on Southern Cross Industrial Estate. These are the last two lots Council has for sale. Proposed Lots 5 & 6 in subdivision of Lot 3 DP 1218886 has approval for development by virtue of DA 2015/599 and will be developed post auction to create two fully serviced industrial lots. Development works are expected to be completed in late 2016 to early 2017. Settlement of the sale contracts will take place upon registration of the plan of subdivision and issuance of a certificates of title. Please note that settlement of the sale cannot take place until Council has completed all works to create two fully serviced industrial lots.
Lot 5 will comprise an area of approximately 2,960m2 and will be encumbered by a sewer rising main as noted on the sales plan. Lot 6 will comprise an area of approximately 2,600m2.
Under the provisions of the DA a three metre high masonry acoustic wall will be constructed along the boundary Lots 5 and 6 to North Creek Road, and along the eastern or side boundary of Lot 6. No vehicular or pedestrian access will be permitted from Lot 5 or Lot 6 onto North Creek Road. Condition 55 of the DA notes that permitted uses of Lot 5 and Lot 6 will be classified as areas for light industrial and low noise generating operations.
Please note that in the Auction Order of Sale, Lot 6 will first be offered sale. If Lot 6 does not sell under the hammer, Lots 5 & 6 will offered for sale together under one contract.
Located in the Harvey Norman Precinct of the Industrial Estate and not far from Ballina-Byron Gateway Airport.
Contact LJ Hooker Ballina today for more details.