Wedding and party hire business
Profitability with an outstanding turnover
Established business with a national and international reputation
Future bookings already into 2010 estimated at over $200,000 as of August 2008
Potential for future growth and to value add with other industry groups (caterers, hire cars, accommodation, florists, entertainment)
Freehold with premises in a progressive business estate ensuring capital growth
Lifestyle choice free of the hassles of metropolitan centres, clean air, great schools and reduced day to day living costs
Currently is a family operated business with selected and experienced contractors available to assist where necessary
High quality and well maintained plant and equipment
A walk-in business with assistance to achieve the transition of ownership and maintain ongoing customer relations and goodwill
Above all – location – recognised globally as not only as a major travel destination but also as a unique venue for special events whether international, national or simply for that personal occasion