Don’t hesitate, bring your cheque book to the inspection of this quality property. Offering just the right mix of grazing and timbered country with a balance of undulating areas, featuring good catchment yield for the lagoon and dams. Native timber strands, mix of pastures comfortably running 50-55 Heifers with calves at foot. Ideally situated east of the Richmond Range. Complete with stunning wetland feature.
Lots 415 (portion 251) DP//755732 and Lot 1 (DP TBA). ***OFF THE PLAN to date***
Situation: 28 kilometres from Casino / Kyogle – 90 kilometres from Ballina / Evans Head Northern New South Wales, Australia. Positioned on the eastern side of the Richmond Range, Northern New South Wales, Australia.
Facilities: Road frontage and soon to be completed gravel driveway. 240 volt power and telephone connections available at Babyl Creek boundary area. Good mobile phone coverage. Mail three times weekly. Mostly two wheel drive accessible throughout.
Area and Tenure: 214 hectares – 530 Acres approx.
Country: A lovely property with a mix of grey volcanics, clay loam, wallon coal measures and creek flats. Balanced treed ridge country. Property has Babyl Creek on the eastern boundary. Country rises from natural marsh land and creek flats to gently undulating and elevated areas, property appears to have a small spring close to the creek. Beautiful valley views from several ridge lines. 5 strand barb wire fencing throughout.
Cultivation: Arable 100 acres, past history of soya beans and holding paddocks for quality vealers. Pasture includes Wynn Cassia, native grasses, Rhodes and Legumes.
Water: 3 dams (1 lagoon, 2 springfed).
Fencing: Boundary fenced with 5 strand barb wire.
Improvements: NIL
Carrying capacity: 50 breeders.