Located 42km from the Regional Centre of Grafton at Copmanhurst in the scenic Clarence River Valley.
“Winegrove” has consistently turned off prime bullocks and vealers, fattened on the lush pastures established here on some of the district’s best soils.
With all but the immediate riverine area being flood free and arable, “Winegrove” has produced high yielding cash and fodder crops in the past.
Under recent management, this highly productive property has been running up to 200 breeders or 300 bullocks over the summer seasons with the area’s high rainfall ensuring pasture security and rapid finishing of stock.
Water is a feature of “Winegrove” with more than 4kms of frontage to the deep, clear, freshwater pools of the Clarence River, it’s sandy beaches and grassy terraces. Fresh water is pumped to tanks and stock troughs by a solar powered and pressurised water reticulation system.
Property improvements are an original farmhouse, timber stockyards, barn, old dairy and machinery shed. Services are to the property.