LOT 193/ DP755685 – DULGUIGAN
14 acres (5.67ha) of pristine rainforest in a totally private location, this block has a 7L zoning (Habitat Protection), is accessed on a shared private road and is in it’s natural bushy state, has very steep inclines, gullies and runs up over the ridgeline from Urliup to the North East .

At this point in time, there is ‘no building entitlement’ associated with this acreage, however will be purchased at a very cheap price in comparison to any other property in the Tweed.

We recommend all interested parties go to the Tweed Shire Local Environmental Plan 2000 (LEP) on Tweed Shire Council Website: www.tweed.nsw.gov.au and research the contents to see what is actually allowed with “7L” zoning.

Inspection by pre-approved appointment only with LJ Hooker Agents

Zone 7 (l) Environmental Protection (Habitat) and on adjacent land
(1) Objective – to protect wildlife habitat from the adverse impacts of development.
(2) Unless it is exempt development, a person must not clear vegetation from, drain, excavate or fill land within Zone 7 (l) except with development consent.
(3) The consent authority must not grant consent to development (other than for the purpose of agriculture, a dwelling house or a home business) on land within Zone 7 (l) without having regard to any representations made by NSW Fisheries and the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
(4) The consent authority must not grant consent to development on or adjacent to land within Zone 7 (l) unless it has taken into consideration:
(a) the likely effects of the development on the flora and fauna found in the locality, and
(b) the potential for disturbance of native flora and fauna as a result of intrusion by
humans and domestic and feral animals, increased fire risk, rubbish dumping, weed
invasion and vegetation clearing

Contact: Chris Childs 0428 692 674