“MAXWELTON” is a cattle grazing property in the picturesque Kangaroo Creek Valley. With a total of 219.6ha (543 acres), the land encompasses a wide valley floor with fertile, arable creek flats rising, at first gently and then more steeply, to a northern plateau containing a commercial native forest. This productive property has been running 120 beef breeders and producing vealers to the local market fattened on the extensive improved pastures. With a total of 33 grazing cells (all with water) and a larger hill paddock cattle are rotated over the property to obtain maximum pasture utilisation and provide for careful herd management. From these paddocks, for ease of livestock movements, there are a number of laneways leading to the extensive cattle handling facilities. Improvements are impressive with the recently renovated homestead having four bedrooms and a second 3 bedroom cottage ideal for farm labour or guest accommodation. Other structural improvements include a well-equipped workshop, 2 large machinery sheds, a hay shed to store lucerne hay produced on the property and a 20 tonne grain silo. Water is a feature with permanent Towallum Creek running through the property and providing the source for a reticulated water system to farm gardens and stock troughs in many of the paddocks along with stock dams and 140,000 litres of stored rain water. Located about 43kms south of the NSW Northern Rivers regional centre of Grafton the property is serviced by a sealed council road, mains power, NBN satellite broadband, daily mail, school bus and council garbage and recycle bin service. Our vendors have made their move to Victoria and are looking for offers!