Grab your board, swimmers & fishing rod, walk out the back door, cross a laneway & Marine Parade, 1 minute later you are looking at Kingscliff’s beautiful Dreamtime Beach, the options are endless, what a feeling.But back to the original 2 bedroom beach shack on 651m2 you’ve just left, what to do with it. Keep it forever as your beachside get away, nice thought……………. but hold on…………. maybe you should re-develop it, what possibilities are there?Well the zoning says 2b medium residential with a 3 storey height limit, the previous owner had pre-approval from Tweed Shire council for 5 units, he’d also drawn up plans for 2 houses, oh and 4 villa’s, the choices seem endless, what to do.I should call Brent Jones on 0408 664 758 and talk to him about it, or maybe I should do some fishing, have swim or just go surfing, the options are endless.