With a total floor space of 46 squares this home is literally double the size of the majority of homes on the market. In fact it is the biggest home we have on our books. However the difference here is that the final selling price could be much more affordable then you think. Our owners have purchased elsewhere and their instructions can not be more clear – “Just sell it, Grant” is the attitude and all genuine offers will be considered prior to auction.

Virtually two houses in one, it would be ideal for an extended family. Located on a large and near level quarter acre block, this property is in a flood-free section of Lawrence and features both front and rear access. The home has been fully renovated throughout. Internally there are two levels of which the four bedrooms take in the main house and are located upstairs with a central living area with its own sitting deck. The huge main bedroom with equally large ensuite are a feature.

On the lower level the brand new kitchen and dining room combine to create an area of focus along side the central second open lounge room come billiards room is another outstanding feature.

There is a second attached section of the home which provides a granny flat situation or 2 more bedrooms perfect for growing teenagers, this area has its own kitchen and bathroom facilities from the main home.