Ready to build on that 5-acre block?
DA is pending for the house.

1.4 km from South Ballina Beach with 4 wheel drive access to it and 1km from the

Richmond River on a corner block with 60 Mango Trees, 10 Pecan Trees, Macadamia and Custard Apple trees.

Under ground water at two points

Choice on 5 acres where to put house.

Drain around the boundary of the property.

Preliminary plans for house drawn.

Public 4 wheel drive access to beach.

2.5kms to Ferry

Bus to Primary School.

Close to shops, airport, medical, hospitals and secondary schools around Ballina.

Phone John O’Beirne on 0405-185-019 or inspect and make offer.

Price POA Suite mid range buyers. $600K to $1mill