Yamba Chicken Inn is a chicken shop that provides dine in or a take away options for it’s clients, and was designed & built less then two years ago. This business is 100% operated by casual waged employee’s & shows a great turnover and healthy profit.

By no means has this business reached it’s potential and IMAGINE the increase in profits if it was run by owner operators.
It is positioned in Yamba’s main street, right outside the front gates of the “Calypso Holiday Park”& is fast becoming the No 1 choice for “Hot Chooks” in Yamba & is a favorite with holiday makers.

There is a secure lease of 3x3x3 in place, & all systems and procedures have been put in place to take this business to the next level of a franchise.

For further details contact the sales team of Denise on 02 6646 2400 or e-mail denise@nationwide-yamba.com.au.