Outstanding reputation and A1 service, this busy ladies boutique specialises in clothing for the modern fashion conscious lady and is well known by repeat clients from all over district. The business is easily run with minimal staff or one owner could run the store on their own to cut down on the wages overhead.
Clovelly Salon is centrally located in Yamba’s CBD and has an extensive fit out and excellent exposure. Public transport passes the door.
The business is currently trading 5 days per week but there is potential to trade longer hours over the holiday periods. A secure lease is in place and provides for flexible trading hours. The lease also includes two car spaces and a kitchenette and toilet whilst the shop has three large fitting rooms.
The bargain asking price of $30,000 plus stock at valuation includes all fixtures and fittings. This business is owned unencumbered and ready to transfer to a new enthusiastic and artistic buyer.