Farm Equipment
SAME Explorer Special 80HP 4WD front end loader with 3rd function (4500hrs), Murray 10ft pasture harrows, 6FT Howard H.D slasher, Crump 1T superspreader, Hardi 10m boom spray (400lt tank) blackberry hose reel, Tiki Silage Cart, Polaris magnum 325 quad bike with spray unit, Suzuki 125 ag bike, Ingersol-rand 5HP compressor, Alanspach HD stock crush, Woodfast H.D lathe, Berends post hole digger, Berends Jib, M.F 9 tine tiller, Bonel 3PL HD Grader blade, Ex-Army Landrover 1973 Series 2, backpack Orchard mister, cement mixer, drum pump, Lincoln single ph welder 225amp, steel stockyard posts, steel posts, rolls barb wire, irrigation fittings, conveyor belting, firebin rack, wagon wheels, gates, HD backing gates, fencing gear, post driver and lifter, pulleys, feed bins, poly pipe, hardwood timber and posts, roofing iron, Aluminium roofing, 15lt back pack spray, Vice, chainsaw borer, pasture harrows.
Antique oak roll top desk, large blacksmiths anvil, Pack saddle complete with leather harness and R.M. Williams bags, leather stock saddle, Wintec Care stock saddle, old trunk, Ladies motor bike pants (Kevlar lined), helmets and jacket, claw foot bath, old doors, Kelvinator fridge/freezer (pair), sink, kitchen cup unit, corner pine unit, old bunk beds, copper, 8 seat extended table and chairs, pine dresser, outdoor furniture, sew machine, microwave, stroller, water skis, upright freezer.
Numbered Bidding System – ID Required
Terms: Cash or Cheque on day of sale
Catering provided