From Each Of These Blocks There Are Distant Ocean Views. All Blocks Facing North East To Pick Up the Ocean Breeze. All Blocks Fully Serviced.

Lot 10 Whitegum Avenue…. 628.7 m2…$185,000
Lot 11 Whitegum Avenue…. 816.9 m2…$195,000
Lot 12 Whitegum Avenue….636.9 m2….$175,000
Lot 15 Rosegum Avenue…. 628.7 m2….$195,000
Lot 16 Rosegum Avenue…. 905.0 m2….$195,000
Lot 17 Rosegum Avenue…. 1125 m2…..$225,000
Lot 18 Rosegum Avenue…. 746.2 m2….$189,000
Lot 19 Rosegum Avenue…. 1090 m2….$262,500