Don’t pay rent while you build your dream home, put the extra money into something special for you!

This property of 5.58 acres of cleared and timbered land includes a DA approved two bedroom colourbond dwelling.

The dwelling could be an excellent games room, study or teenager retreat once you build as it has been fitted out with a RVC split system air conditioner, slow combustion fire, modern kitchen, combined bathroom/laundry and open plan living.

Having 3 phase power, mezzanine level for storage, Ozzie clean waste water system, Rinnai infinity instantaneous hot water system and a covered entertaining area overlooking a tranquil setting, this is a more than comfortable way to live while you build.

A separate 7m x 7m colourbond garage and a possible shipping container for extra storage is also on offer.

This is located in a lovely country lane with no through access, so if you are looking for peace, quiet and tranquillity to waste the days away then this ticks all the boxes.

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