Showcasing all Stonequarry Estate has to offer through its rolling landform and vast views, this acreage is suitable for anyone looking to experience a taste of country style living in a contemporary setting with close proximity to shops, rail and activities.

Situated 1 hour south of Sydney and close to the Southern Highlands, Stonequarry Estate is the destination for the astute home buyer looking for that touch of inspiration.

This 5411m block is tucked away in an ideal location bringing nature to your back door. You feel as if you are secluded yet still have common amenities such as sewer and access to cable connection which brings a balance and a lifestyle change that is evident throughout the Estate.

Nestled amongst rolling hills and architecturally designed homes, this would be the perfect start to your own getaway.

This is just one of many blocks available that we have for sale in the Stonequarry Estate. They range in size and price so take the drive to Thirlmere Way Picton and experience Stonequarry Estate for yourself.

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