Company Profile

Redback Site Rentals commenced trading in 1998.

The owners, Michael and Debbie Hartley have built the business to have a presence in the Illawarra as well as provide a good lifestyle and living for their family.

Redback Site Rentals provides an alternative to major hire Companies and enjoys a great reputation and loyalty within its customer base.

At the moment the business is run from a site in Oak Flats but could be operated from anywhere and is fully transportable.

All equipment, training and consumables are included as well as a large database.

This business has been successfully run from its inception by 1 Fulltime employee and one Part time employee.

As a new owner, you can decide whether to expand the area of operation and gross profit or keep it as a part time business offering flexibility and a great lifestyle.

Redback Site Rentals is a business that is easy to operate, no specialised skills required. A desire to succeed is an advantage as is a happy disposition and an ability to be your own boss.

All company Tax figures are available as is a complete inventory.

Redback Site Rentals is SERIOUSLY for sale so please direct all enquires to
Brian Dorling 0413 762 885.