Dwelling permit available
Located 11.4 km down Bevendale road.
Selectively cleared, with Kurrajong and
some wonderful Box trees remaining.
Granite soils, gently undulating.
Permanent water from dams and creeks
(actually headwaters of Bevendale Creek)
2 paddocks, boundary netting fence
Power across paddocks with poles on block
Has been running 550 wethers ( have just been sold off shears for $100 each).
During the drought it ran 20 heifers and 250 wethers.
Magnificent granite outcrops ( some blue granite has been quarried for ornamental and to polish.)
Property is 22.4 km to Grabben Gullen,
33.4 km west from Crookwell.( sealed road for 28km.)
83 km to Boorowa and 46km to Yass

The production from this property is excellent.
Good water and fences,road frontage.