43 Acres of gently undulating grazing land, 15 minutes from Crookwell Township, drive up the tree lined drive through the entrance feature stone wall fence to the Comfortable 4 Bedroom home with Study, Library Room, Lounge with Open Fire, Formal Dining with Air Conditioning and Wood Heating. There is a Spacious Family Room or Extra Sleep-out, Restored Period Bathroom and large country eat in kitchen with AGA Stove, Dishwasher and Walk-in Pantry. Set in a Country Garden with Circular Drive, 4 Paddocks, 3 Dams and equipped bore, 4 Bay Machinery Shed, Workshop, 2 Bay Lockable Machinery shed, Old Cow Shed/ Studio, Tractor Shed & Garden Storage Sheds, A Tennis Court and Beautiful Views Complete the picture. Lifestyle for $455,000