This is the ultimate lifestyle property.!!! Ride horses or motor bikes, swim in the waterholes, dams and lagoon or catch a feed of yabbies in the creek! In the evening you could pop off a bunny or two, cook them over a lovely big camfire under the stars, then bed down in the iron shed with its big slowcombustion heater. When you are sick of all that fun you then have the ability to carve it up into 6 lots. Approximately 450 acres of level to undulating land with a DA approved 6 lot subdivision. Lot 1 40.45h Mostly level and cleared with 2 nice dams plus it has jacqua creek running through it. There is right of way access to the other blocks which is earmarked for being tree studded. Lot 2 – 16.19h Elevated block with dam and lovely views to the north and west. Lot 3 14.62h All cleared with long lagoon full of water and flat areas. Lot 4 47.13h 75 % cleared. This block has big dam, and is mainly flat with some undulating areas. Lot 5 – 49.5h. 80% cleared, lightly timbered with small gum and wattle. Great dam with plenty of water, hilly country with nice outlook plus steel cattle yards. Lot 6 10h. This block has a nice aspect is level to steep and consists of a large iron shed with fire place, a carport and attached housing for machinery. The property has areas of sandy loam soils and is fully fenced externally and internally to help identify the blocks. Waterholes, creeks, lagoons and water courses are situated throughout the property. The ongoing DA is a definite positive for anyone wishing to take on the subdivision at a much later date. VENDOR FINANCE IS AVAILABLE. Phone Jordans Crossing Real Estate on 4883 6900 or email for more information.