This is picturesque country with grazing, eco tourism and environmental interest to suit buyers with varied interests.

Grazing has not taken place on this property for several years and the native pastures and shrubs have really flourished.

Views – as the property is up to 1150 metres, there are spectacular views of the surrounding and distant countryside.

Topography – there is still a heavy tree cover over 60% of the property and open country over the balance. Rugged gullies and ridges make up the timbered areas.

Buildings – a large one room hut provides accommodation.

A shearing shed with electricity connected is a good asset.

Shelter sheds, dams, fencing and the right to build a residence make this a desirable property.

Location – 20 minutes from Cooma (school bus). About an hour from Canberra.

319 ha (787 acres).