Highly productive and well located grazing country
Suitable for cattle breeding and fattening and prime lambs.
Approx 767.3ha 1,896 acres.
Ideal location sealed road frontage, 35kms Bathurst, 35mins Oberon and 3 hours Sydney.
Highly versatile and productive soils with an excellent balance of improved and native pastures.
Fencing a feature subdivided into 29 paddocks with a central laneway system.
Securely watered via Caloola Creek, dams and reticulated water via a bore.
Excellent working improvements substantial steel cattle yards, machinery shed, hay shed and 4 bedroom cottage.
Three Brothers Station is a quality parcel of grazing country offering location versatility, productivity, security of water and well maintained structural improvements.
For Private Sale
David Nolan
Webster Nolan Real Estate
Carrington House
596 Crown Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Ph: (02) 8394 8875
Mob: 0447 278 236
Email: david@websternolan.com.au