Located near Cudal in Central NSW this 742Ha property offers versatility, outstanding water supply, modern home and very well maintained facilities.
It is a well balanced property with highly productive, lucerne producing alluvial creek flats, heavy red basalt soils which are ideal for cropping and gently undulating pasture improved grazing paddocks.
Frontages to Mandagery and Coates Creeks have always provided a secure water supply – even during dry seasons. They are supplemented by an excellent spring, 2 dams, several troughs and substantial rain water storage. An 8Ha irrigation license and equipment provides additional security.
Infrastructure includes appropriate shedding, storage and facilities to cater for a diverse operation including prime lambs, vealers, oats and lucerne.
The main home is an attractive, spacious 4 bedroom/2 bathroom residence. The original home is on its own separate title.
The sale of this property creates a great opportunity – it has a proven track record and it has only ever had 2 owners.
Anyone seeking a well located highly productive property within 4 hours of Sydney and 40 minutes of Orange should inspect without delay.