“Eagle Park Stud” Springside Via Orange NSW
Located only 11 kms from Orange in Central West NSW, Eagle Park Stud provides an excellent investment in not only an existing horse stud farm, but more importantly, an excellent lifestyle. The current owner has invested significantly to capital improvements and now offers a truly unique property. The expansive 76 square architecturally designed family home was constructed in 2006. Offering 5 bedrooms, a study and computer room, expansive light filled living areas, stunning rural views and elegant gourmet kitchen.
- The 80 Ha (approx) is divided into 16 main paddocks, 4 stallion paddocks with sheds, 8 medium yards and 15 small yards.
- The property offers a well-equipped bore servicing the water tough system connected to each paddock.
- Predominately fertile limestone and basalt country, with substantial stands of box timber
- Stables with 9 stalls, walking machine, round yards and managers office and accommodation.
Topography is from level to moderately undulating. Soil is a rich volcanic basalt with deep top soil cover which has been limed and regular fertiliser history. Water is abundant as the property sits on an aquifer and the dams are spring fed. Reliable Flyers Creek runs through the property. A well supplied bore offers excellent addition water. All paddocks are watered. There is a good balance of trees with dams in all the larger paddocks. Most of the paddocks are accessed by a lane way system with an all-weather gravel road. Extensive plantings of Leilandli trees have been planted around the boundary for wind breaks. Extensive post and rail fencing with areas of electric fencing.