Coomallie – Burren Junction
Situation: 12km east of Burren Junction via the Kamilaroi Highway, 40km west of Wee Waa.
Area & Title: Total land 818 hectares (2021 acres)
Irrigation development 597.2 hectares
Supporting land 220 hectares
Country: Generally very flat, open flood plain country with access to Pian Creek across the Kamilaroi Highway which forms the southern boundary. Original timber was Coolabah, Boonery and Myall.
Irrigation: Storage of 1600 Megs, in 3 dams plus 80 Megs surge
Bore allocation of 586 Megs p.a.
Pian creek licence 1458 Megs (A and B Class)
Supplementary Licence Pian Creek 443.7 Megs
Stock and domestic 16 Megs
Irrigation Infrastructure: River pumps:
20′ China pump, JD motor
14′ Flow King centrifugal pump, electric motor
Bore pumps:
Mercedes V8 motor pumping 4.5ML to 6.5ML
Tail water pumps:
26′ China pump with Volvo motor
Chinese axial flow, Deutz 6 cylinder motor
Cultivation: In 10 fields ranging from 37.2 Ha to 118.2 Ha
Improvements: 3 b/room Austam home, split system a/c, double carport, lock up garage, bore and submersible pump.
1 x 150 tonne bulk grain shed, concrete floor
2 x 15 tonne silos
1 X 20′ container
Other comments: Coomallie is an excellent example of a productive irrigation property in one of the most accepted areas of the cotton industry. The property has over 300 hectares of land prepared for cotton this summer with approximately 1500 Megs available for irrigation thus ensuring the foundation for a solid summer cropping program.
Price: Option one: $6.5 million (includes property and all licences)
Option two: $3.635 million (includes the property, bore allocation and supplementary licence but excludes the 1458 creek allocation, the vendor would lease this licence with the option to purchase).
Disclaimer: All care has been taken in compiling these particulars but, as the same are prepared on instructions and with details provided by the vendor, for whom the company act as agents only, we cannot accept responsibility for errors or misdescriptions if any. Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of these details.