AREA: 2,608 Ha?6,459Ac Freehold
LOCATION: 58Km North West of Nyngan fronting the Okeh Road and 13Km from the village of Girilambone
COUNTRY: Flat to undulating red loam country with approx. 750Ac cleared for farming with the balance lightly timbered with box, Pine Wilga and Kurrajong.
WATER: Well watered by 5 ground tanks
FENCING: Very well fenced into 4 main and 3 cultivation paddocks.
IMPROVEMENTS: 2 stand shearing shed, sheep yards, hay shed, shower and toilet block with power connected.
RAINFALL: 450mm(18inches)
SHIRE RATES: $1,139.29 per annum.
Avondale East is well situated only 18Km from the Girilambone Copper Mine and has good potential for further development. The country grows a good body of natural summer and winter grasses and herbage suitable for sheep and cattle grazing. There is also rotational farming of which approx 750Ac sown down to sunvale wheat for the 2011 season, crop not included but is negotiable in the sale. There is plenty of wildlife for recreational hunting
Contact: Landmark Russell: 02 6836 2234 David Russell: 0418 636 050
Contact: Don Lister Stock & Property: 02 6832 1997 Don Lister: 0419 274 613