Approximately 12,486ha, 30,852 acres (subject to survey, includes closed roads)

Muttama is located approximately 30km west of Coonamble, 15km east of Quambone, 190km north of Dubbo and 560km from Sydney on the Coonamble – Quambone Road.

Approximately 500 mm annually.

The country on Muttama varies from predominately heavier black and chocolate soils to the east rising up to a lighter red chocolate at the western end. There is a large section of Myall type country through the middle section of the property. The predominant timber types comprise Belah, Myall, Box and Wilga. Natural pasture comprises Mitchell grass with an abundance of clover in winter.

Approximately 11,500ha of current cultivation which is sown to a predominant winter crop rotation.
Balance open to lightly timbered grazing.
Currently fully planted to winter crop. (barley and chick peas)

41 main paddocks on Muttama with a number of smaller holding paddocks plus central laneways.
Ranges from new to stock proof.
Comprises mostly 5 plain, 2 barb, steel posts, steel end assemblies.
Good quality fencing across the property.

4 separate capped bores, 16 tanks, plus troughs.
30 x 10,000 – 15,000 CU dams.
Nedgera Creek, Tallegar Swamp Creek and Garawilla Watercourse.
Rainwater tanks at buildings.

Registered 5000 head capacity
Constructed from steel and timber posts wire cable
22 main pens (7.5 hectares)
Feed system comprises concrete feed troughs filled via 2 lane ways
Concrete trough to each pen, plus sprinkler system via 2 x 250,000L water tanks
Pen area approximately 7.5 ha
Cattle yards, all steel with rubber matting, comprising load and unload race, long working race with raised walkway, forcing yard, vet crush with scales/weigh box, head bale and 5-way draft
Simple modern designed feedlot that has only been developed over recent years.

5 bay, concrete bunded feed bunks (6m x 6m)
Large hay shed – 50m x 30m
Mill features:
- 2 x 200T twister self emptying silos
- 1 x 15T Sherwell wetting silo
- Connected via 2 electric augers plus R & H roller mill
- Electricity supplied via 100kVa generator
- 3 x silage pits (21,000T total)

4 bedroom homestead, with garage and pool
3 x cottages
Shearers quarters
2 x Workshops
Multiple machinery sheds
Hay shed
2x steel cattle yards
2 x grain sheds (12,500T capacity)
16 x silos
Weighbridge, 36m, 120T, includes sample stand
1000m airstrip

The Property is offered in conjunction with Bruce Gunning of Ray White Rural International

All care has been taken in compiling this information sheet but it is prepared on instructions and details supplied by the vendor, for whom we act as agents only, and we cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omission (if any). Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of these particulars.