Area and Tenure: 14,363 ha or 35491 ac, comprising 2435 ha (6018ac) Freehold and 11927ha (29472ac) Western Lands Leases
Rates: Western Lands $358 Yearly, Walgett Shire Council $1,828 Quarterly , LHPA $2308.85 Yearly
Location: 45 kms North of Walgett and 40 km South of Lightning Ridge on the Castlereag404hah Highway in NW New South Wales, 333 km N of Dubbo , 230 km West of Moree. All weather access roads to house, 2.5 kms from main bitumen road.
Services: Rural Power, STD Telephone, some Next G Mobile phone coverage. Mail three times weekly.
Rainfall: 460 mm or 18.40 inches per annum. Dungalear is a registered weather station.
Water: Stock water is abundant with a capped and piped Artesian Bore owned by the property. An extensive network of poly pipe, tanks and troughs with cement aprons in 85% of property. There are several rainwater tanks at the houses, cottages and shearing.
Improvements: Accomodation 4 houses/ cottages
Main homestead 48sq weatherboard 4 bedroom home built in 1900 with inground pool, cold room, partiallya/c with gardens and established trees. In average condition.
2 good cottages a/c , and 1 requiring renovation.
Sheds: 2 Steel hay sheds 60′x40′, 1 large 3 bay machinery shed. 3 bah machinery shed 60′x30′, large workshop, cement floor 60′x40′. Another smaller workshop with pit, 1 3 bay enclosed car shed.
Grain storage 2 x 70 tonne cone base silos.
A 1000m airstrip and 22,000 lt waternk adjacent to farming country.
Country: The grazing country varies with approximately 50% black self mulching black soils typical of Coolibah, Box, Myall, and Belah. grasses consist of Mitchell , Qld Bluegrass, Neverfail , Sugar and Button grass with herbages of pigweed , Nardoo, trefoil Clover and Crowfoot in season and salines of Blue bush, Old Man Saltbush and Cotton Bush. Two main water courses flow through this country being the 29 Mile and the Mungeroo. There is approx 7,000 ac of Old Man Saltbush.
the Black soil country is interspersed with area of lighter red/loamy soils of Leopard wood , Whitewood Wilga , Sandalwood, and Rosewood making up a further 45% of the grazing.This consists of buttongrass , umbrella grass, goathead,copper burr, jelly burr and other native herbages in season. Remaining 5% consists of higher sand hills mainly grassed with Buffell grass.
Farming: 4 areas of farming, being 404ha (1000ac) 526ha(1300ac), 32ha(80ac) and 283ha(700ac).283ha currently being farmed for the first time. Total 3080ac of good black self mulching soils suitable for farming.
Yards: Very good set of steel and sawn timber cattle yards with covered cement race and crush. Covered cement calf race & cradle. Capacity approx 600 head.. Excellent 8 stand electric shearing shed with raised board 2electric wool presses , bale lifter, and steel sheep yards, covered cement race, 3 way draft and a capacity of approx 7000 head. A further 4 sets of sheep yards mainly used for lamb marking.
Fencing: Mostly of 2 barb and 4 plain in good to new condition with steel strainers, stays and gates.
Section of netting fence in fair / average condition.
Section of ringlock in fair condition. Subdivided into 31 paddocks with a mix of higher ground in each . Excess heavy rain has never been a problem for stock.
Livestock: Sheep: Haddon Rig/Bonanza Blood lines for the last 30 years. Achieve consistant lambing and wool production. Last year lambing 105%. Entire flock available to the successful purchaser.
Cattle: Currently carrying 250cows , Bulls and progeny plus 70 weaners. Hereford herd for the last 30 years. Cattle are available for purchase to the successful purchaser.
Inclusions: 2 electric wool presses, 1 electric bale lifter, grinder and all contents of woolshed. 2 cattle/ sheep grain self feeders, 2 steel hay racks. 13 historic photos of main homestead.
Other Plant & Equipment: List available , including GPS farming plant and Goldacres Spray Rig.
Carrying Capacity: LHPA Rating of 10,130 DSE. Carrying the same.
Comments: Dungalear offers a remarkable opportunity to purchase a premium sheep and cattle breeding operation with substantial farming. The property has been in the Butler Family for the past 19 years and has been sold only 3 times in over 100 years. It has an abundance of feed, with 200 mm of rain in December and January.
Auction Wednesday 24th March 11.00am
Venue: Walgett District Sporting Club
View: By Appointment
Matthew Kennedy 0488 418 788