When you find something special you don’t want everyone to know about it. This property falls into the category of ‘those who look will want to buy’. The home sits in a private setting on 1.5 acres (6000 sq.m) of elevated land with views to the Catombal Ranges. It has a self-contained granny flat separate from the house.

The home has been extensively renovated which includes both bathroom & kitchen. The main features include 4 bedrooms, separate family, dining & lounge rooms, kids play area, a mixture of polished floors & carpet areas, slow combustion wood heater, ducted evap. airconditioning & a warm northerly aspect. The land is well fenced for pets & children and has a driveway that comes in at the bottom of the block and exits at the top of the block for easy traffic flow. There is a 3 bay shed/workshop for the handy man & car and landscaped lawns & gardens. A must at $285,000.