AREA: 76,764 Ha | 190,076 acres

LOCATION: 210km N/NE Broken Hill. 50km to Packsaddle
Roadhouse and Silver City Highway

COUNTRY: Open blue bush plains to undulating soft under stone rises incorporating the Koonenberry Mountain ranges to Northern side of property. The Wonnaminta, Kayrunnera, Morden and numerous creek systems disperses through property creating semi permanent water holes and beneficial flood out soft sandy loam grazing country.
Creek systems fringed with red gums, oak and Belah scattered rosewood on plains. Predominantly blue bush, salt bush, native Mitchell and soft sweet salines.

WATER: 28 Earth dams, seasonal water holes in creeks, percentage of dams are fenced.

FENCING: All steel fencing consisting of portion of western boundary being hinge joint. Having 16 grazing paddocks, 5 holding paddocks and a portion of the internal being wooden and steel (all in good condition.) 5 out station sets of drafting yards, additional 2×3 stand crutching shed and 4 stand shearing shed.

IMPROVEMENTS: Majestic homestead (1900 era) with limestone construction, further extensions completed in 1957. 6 Bedrooms, 14′ ceilings, kitchen, working cool room, large dining and lounge room, office, 2 open fires, breezeway, enclosed veranda’s on 2 sides, master bedroom includes and ensuite. Well established shade trees and drought proof style garden. Adjacent to the homestead is a 3 bedroom workmen’s self contained cottage plus the famous Myrtle Rose White writing room. Large machinery shed and stone room. All buildings are positioned on the edge of Wonnaminta creek system, huge red gums shade and protect this picturesque secluded position.

8 stand shearing shed all over head electric, large wool room and sheep storage, all steel sheep yards, 3way draft, classing race, all steel bottom and second deck loading ramp with connecting yards handling 6,000 sheep. 16 person modern shearers quarters, electric hot water ablution block.

SERVICES: Serviced by rural power, STD phone, mail twice weekly. RFD’s station air landing field, 3 x strips, wind sock and sealed hanger. 50km to Packsaddle road house for meals, accommodation and food supplies.

RAINFALL: 250mm per annum

CARRYING CAPACITY: Ex Kidman era property historically running merino sheep, 15,000 DSE capacity plus seasonally harvesting between 4,500 to 6,000 goats per annum.

NOW $2,700,000 with immediate possession and lease purchase option available
Phone David Russell for further information 0418 636 050 or to arrange your inspection