Avenue 2 Hair Design is a well established Salon in central area of the Albury CBD

This salon has been in operation for 13 years in all with 8 years at the present location and has a great local reputation with a solid client base.

The Salons Location in David Street, Albury is in close proximity to large public car parking, Myer City Centre, Albury Theatre complex and the main CBD shopping and business facilities.

Open 5 days a week from Tuesday through to Saturday, there is plenty of provision to increase profits by employing another stylist or renting out the chairs.

The salon has a lovely stylish fit out, is fully functional with 6 workstations and 2 basins, and sale includes extensive list of plant and equipment.

The vendor is also offering to remain with the business under a licence agreement for an extended period of time ensuring client retention and ease of transition.

This is a great entry opportunity at $50000+ SAV

Peter Street 0437 978 974