Cooinda which is 15 Mins north of Barham is a fully developed irrigation property that has been totally laser graded and was previously run as a dairy farm with a 40 stand rotary all still intact which is negotiable. The property has been running Beef cattle over the past few years and the soil types will suit all aspects of farming. The farm has been tested for rice and 90% has been approved. There is a 3 B/R home, Machinery sheds, Hay shed, Seed Shed, Cattle yards and Silo.
Irrigation water is available both Permanent or just buy temporary water at $20 to $30 a meg. and produce whatever you desire.
This property at a purchase price indicator of $460,000 to $495,000 will suit those looking to add on or a property to grow any amounts of hay along with cropping and fattening.