Riverside Barham 1180 Acres
The ultimate lifestyle farm with River Frontage and income from stock and red gum timber.
Lot 1: 540 Acres with sheltered timber along approx.. 4 K’s of Wakool River frontage with lovely stands of River Red Gums and the balance being open grazing country. This lot features the Historic Riverside Homestead that has been tastefully renovated over the years and is established in age old trees and surrounds. The property has excellent facilities with a 3 stand shearing shed with all steel yards, Machinery shed and workshop and the fencing is mostly new.
Lot 2: 640 acres with approx. 3 K’s of Barber Creek frontage. This block has a good stand of Red Gums and producing good income from sustainable harvesting.
The property also provides good feed and shelter in the Winter and Spring.
There is also accommodation supplied by fishermen huts overlooking the river and represents the perfect getaway for its privacy and tranquillity with the natural fauna and birdlife.