In these tough times you simply can’t beat bricks & mortar investment, and these eight (8) commercial properties situated on the busy Sturt Highway represent outstanding value for money.
Location and exposure are the key elements to a successful investment strategy and this complex has it all.
Buronga is at the gateway to the city of Mildura, and has a wide variety of businesses across its township, including long established Motels, Hotels, Post Office, Service Stations, Transport companies, Steel suppliers and numerous Food outlets including a Supermarket!
With frontage to the Sturt Highway, and the junction of the Silver City Highway, these 8 retail shops are the Investors dream – Brick construction & glass frontages, ample and convenient off street parking.

Executive summary
Unit 11 - 127m2 - Vacant - $16,000 rental p.a.
Unit 12 - 81m2 - Tenanted - $12,360 rental p.a Lease expiry 31.01.2021 – Options 2+2yrs
Unit 13 - 77m2 - Tenanted - $12,818 rental p.a. Lease expiry 31.01.2022 – Options 2+2yrs
Unit 14+15 - 144m2 - Tenanted - $16,536 rental p.a. Lease expiry 30.11.2022 – Options 5yrs
Unit 16 - 77m2 - Tenanted - $13,000 rental p.a. Lease expiry 30.06.2020 – Options 3yrs
Unit 17 - 81m2 - Vacant - $13,510 rental p.a.
Unit 17a – 127m2 - Tenanted- $16,000 rental p.a. Lease expiry 30.06.2022 – Options 3yrs
Total if all tenanted $100,224 per annum