‘Caringa’ Deniliquin (548ha/1354ac) presents prospective purchasers with an outstanding opportunity to acquire a quality mixed farming property consisting of soft fertile soils, exceptional building and working improvements and superb irrigation development. The property has been fenced into 22 main paddocks with a high standard of fencing and secure stock water facilities throughout. Other property features include:
*Well appointed four bedroom, 2 bathroom home set in spacious lawns and garden.
*Machinery shedding, secure workshop, 4×60 tonne Sherwell grain silos.
*2 stand shearing shed with adjoining steel yards, large steel cattle yards.
*195ha-482ac developed irrigation with full recycle system and equipped storage.
*Excellent water supply from MIL with two delivery points, S and D pipeline, 5 MIL Water Entitlements and 1025 MIL Delivery Entitlements. An opportunity to acquire a further 1020 MIL Water Entitlements would be available to the purchaser by negotiation.
*A healthy scattering of native timbers including Murray Pine and Box timbers, warm breeding and fattening country with an excellent fertiliser history.
*Secure stock waters consisting of tank and trough combinations and earth dams.
*Quality fencing, lane way systems, good internal roadways and livestock shelter.
*Situated just 12km south east of Deniliquin via sealed roads and frontage to the majestic Tuppal Creek.
‘Caringa’ is undoubtedly one of the best presented properties in the Deniliquin and surrounding districts. For further details or to arrange a property inspection, please don’t hesitate to contact Matt Horne of Elders Deniliquin on 0409 355 733 / 0358 905 100.