VINES – VEGATABLES – FRUIT – NUTS”Mendook”, a highly desirable property is located approximately 9 kms. NE of Euston in SW NSW opposite Dry Lake and approx 1 hours drive from Mildura along the Sturt Hwy. It is accessed from the highway by Prungle Rd (bitumen) which also dissects the property.
This parcel of land could be considered be amongst the best available on the Murray.
Total area of 2007 heactares, of which 791 hectares are cleared for cropping, the balance being Mallee scrub. The property has been in limited production only for 4 years for contract potato growing. The highly productive soil is deep, typical Mallee rich red loamy sand, free draining with gentle undulation throughout.

The property has been methodically developed for irrigation cropping with new pumping stations and 300 mm PVC pipeline supply from Dry Lake suppling a 100 ML professionally built dam. 225mm PVC irrigation mainlines service the 3 centre pivot sites currently operational from the dam. Two diesel motors deliver water for irrigation from the dam. There is no residence or shedding on the property at this point.
Water allocation is 100ML high security NSW and 150ML low security NSW is attached to property.
Irrigation is carried out by centre pivot.
Currently there is no crop in place on the property.
Such a quality presentation as this offers a rare opportunity to acquire a substantially large acreage of prime cleared country in an ideal location.
For further information or to arrange an inspection please contact agent –
Ray Cullen on Mob. 0429 977313 Email

Property Code: 402976244