AREA: 7,680 hectares (approximately)
LOCATION: Situated 40kms west of Hay via Sturt Highway.
Lots: 3, 5, 6 & 10 DP 756789
Lots: 21 & 22 DP 756768
Lot: 1 DP 951224
Lots: 1 & 2 DP 751230
RAINFALL: 325mm (13 inches)
The main “Ravensworth” holding comprises open plain land with original vegetation being saltbush and native grasses, interspersed with waterways and lakes. The soils are a friable self mulching cracking clay well suited to agriculture. The lake areas and waterways are a heavier deep grey clay soils.
The soils on “Ravensworth” are considered to be wholly arable with the only areas not suited to development being waterways.
The “Ravensworth” Aggregation is the largest developed irrigation holding in the district with approximately 8,230 hectares developed to furrow irrigation. This area includes 180 hectares developed to linear move irrigation with the balance developed into laser levelled fields with head ditches and tailwater channels.
Soils are of a friable grey/brown/chocolate self mulching clay loam. Lands were originally open treeless saltbush plains.
CROPPING: Approximately 3,424ha developed for irrigation (well developed).
The “Ravensworth” river water irrigation system is supplied from two main supply channels. The main “Ravensworth” supply channel runs from the Murrumbidgee River via the north east of the main “Ravensworth” Aggregation. The second main supply channel is the “Ravensworth East” supply channel, commonly referred to as the “Glen Hope” supply channel. This supply channel runs from approximately 8 kilometres north of the “Ravensworth East” irrigation infrastructure and crosses the Sturt Highway, with twin inverted siphons of approximately 950 mm and a new 1,500 mm diameter pipe installed under the highway to ensure an adequate water flow to the “Ravensworth East” irrigation infrastructure.
The river water is reticulated to the irrigation fields through a network of main supply channels and head ditches with a total length of approximately 250 kilometres. Tailwater return channelling system is of a similar length. Both the “Ravensworth” and “Ravensworth East” main supply channels have been enlarged and have efficiencies improved through the upgrade of under-road and under-channel siphons included in the network since purchase by the existing owners. This combined with the 23,000 mega litre storage facilities, either already in place or under construction, has resulted in water now being able to be channelled to any point of the farm from the river channel supply network.
A lateral irrigation system is in place and waters about 180 hectares.
“Ravensworth” River Pumps
Pump 1
Layne & Bowler 600 mm axial flow pump fitted with Weir flow metre equipped with Caterpillar diesel motor or Pone three phase 185kw electric motor. Installation appears to be around 20 years old. Capacity is around 90 megalitres/day.
Pump 2
Pomona 450 mm Axial Flow pump fitted with Randolf right angle drive and equipped with John Deere 170hp diesel motor, fitted with Murphy gauges. Capacity is around 70 megalitres/day.
Pump 3
Pomona 450 mm Axial Flow pump fitted with Bethune right angle drive, powered by a John Deere 225hp diesel motor, complete with Murphy gauges. Pump and drive would be around 30 years old but appears serviceable. Capacity around 75 megalitres/day.
Pump 4
Pump is unserviceable and being replaced. A new Axial Flow Chinese submersible pump with 160kw electric motor is on site awaiting installation. The new pump will have 150 megalitres/day high river, 100 megalitres weir height lift rate with 900 mm discharge pipe.
Pump 5
Chinese submersible pump with 160kw electric motor (installed 2002). The pump has a 150 megalitres/day high river, 100 megalitres weir height lift rate with 900 mm discharge pipe.
Pump 6
Layne & Bowler 600 mm Axial flow pump equipped with 185kw Pone 3hp electric motor. Capacity is around 90 megalitres/day.
River Pumps
Pumps and motors have all been serviced and rebuilt or replaced as necessary. Site has three phase electricity supply.
Pump 1
500 mm Chinese pump equipped with Teco three phase 90hp induction electric motor. Capacity is around 80 megalitres/day.
Pump 2
500 mm Chinese pump equipped with Newman three phase 125jp induction electric motors. Capacity is around 80 megalitres/day.
Pump 3
600 mm Layne & Bowler Axial Flow pump fitted with Randolf right angle drive, equipped with 172 Caterpillar diesel motor, complete with 9,500 litre diesel fuel supply tank. Capacity is around 100 megalitres/day.
Channel Pumps
Lift pump being a 660 mm Centrifugal pump driven by 400hp Caterpillar diesel motor.
Tailwater 650 mm Chinese Centrifugal pump with 1:1.5 reduction right angle drive gearbox, driven by a Caterpillar 400hp diesel motor, with 2,000 litre fuel tank.
West Storage
2 x Batescrew multi-stage pumps, equipped with Teco 90hp and 3hp electric motors.
Everflow 300mm multi-stage Axial Flow pump fitted with Kebco Arillo right angle drive, equipped with Perkins diesel motor of 100hp. Complete with Murphy gauges and 6,000 litre fuel tank.
Fields Q & R Tailwater Pump
650 mm Chinese Centrifugal pump equipped with John Deere 292hp diesel motor.
Fields Q & R Lift Pump 2
650 mm Chinese Centrifugal pump equipped with Cummins 350hp diesel motor. Shelter over.
Lake Storage Lift Pump
650 mm Chinese Centrifugal pump.
A Storage Lift Pump
Pump station under construction.
P Storage Lift Pump
650 mm China pump equipped with John Deere into steel distribution chamber. Trash rack and suction chamber.
Pethers Lift Pump
500 mm Chinese pump equipped with 4 cylinder Caterpillar diesel motor.
Storage Dams
A Tailwater 800 megalitres
Lake 7,500 megalitres
P Storage 6,000 megalitres
Total 12,300 megalitres
Currently approximately 11,000ML in storage.
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST CLOSES: 4pm, Wednesday 22nd August 2012 at the Agent’s Office.
For further information or inspection, contact:
Moree Real Estate
Phone: (02) 6751 1100
Fax: (02) 6752 1766
Cliff Brown – 0428 669 173
Paul Kelly – 0428 281 428
Allan Gobbert – 0428 523 375
“All care has been taken in compiling this information sheet but it is prepared on instructions and details supplied by the vendor, for whom we act as agents only, and we cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omission (if any). Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of these particulars.”