“Teddy Waddy” is an irrigation, cropping and grazing opportunity located just 30km’s north east of Jerilderie on the Newell Highway. The 1420 acre property presents 360 acres of irrigation layout including lasered contour with bank less channel and Padman stops, traditional contour, recycle system with pto lift pump and 12ML (approx) storage dam. Water supply comes from the Yanko Creek just North of the highway with a 3 phase electric powered creek pump (32ML/Day Capacity) and large storage dam. The property holds 194ML’s of water entitlement made up of Murrumbidgee stock and domestic, general security and supplementary entitlements. The vendors have been running sheep on native pastures including sown grasses and clovers. Fencing across the property is in good stock proof condition with ringlock/hinge joint and barb combinations. Working improvements include a good set of steel sheep yards, windmill bore providing water for livestock with the balance of dams being channel or gravity filled. Although “Teddy Waddy” has been utilised for grazing over recent years it has a long and successful winter and summer cropping history. Offered for sale by tender with tenders closing at 5pm on Friday the 20th December at the Elders Jerilderie office. For further information or to arrange an inspection please contact Matt Horne:0409355733 or Trevor Basset:0409412713, Elders Jerilderie: 0358861402