Total:1,580.37 hectares
Cultivation: 1,479 hectares
Grazing: 101.37 hectares
The property is located 67km north west of Moree and 17km west of Garah on the Talmoi Road – Via mostly bitumen road.
The predominate soil type is level grey-black self mulching soils typical of the Garah district. A breakup of the soils is 65% grey vertisoils, 30% chocolate clays & 5% lighter red soils.
The property is now fully developed to cultivation, every paddock has been re-structured to maximise run length and allow for efficient farming.
New exclusion fencing to western and southern boundaries with original fencing to balance.
- Principal supply from the Talmoi cap & bore system
- Connects to homestead + 6 tanks & troughs + 8 risers accross the property
- Rainwater supply via 220,000 litres of storage at the homestead & machinery shed – all interconnected
- In addition there are 2 earth dams
C1910 weatherboard homestead
- Fully renovated in 2017
- 3 bedrooms + living & entertaining area
- Detached garage + weatherboard storage room
Machinery Shed
- All steel construction, gravel floor & enclosed on 3 sides
- 24m x 12m
- Steel & timber construction
- Raised 4 stand shed in good order
- Attached yards + race, draft & holding yards
- 2 x 175T self emptying silos
- 2 x 130T self emptying silos
- 1 x 15T self emptying silos
- 2 x 30T self emptying silos
- Grainmaster silos have aerators & fully automated control
- Set on concrete pad
- Cattle & sheep yards + confinement yards for sheep
- Cattle yards – panel type yards with race, crush & ramp, capacity 100 head
- Sheep yards – portable panel yards, arrow construction with race, 3 way draft + multiple yards, capacity 1000 head (sheep handler excluded)
- 2 x 250 head confinement yards for sheep
All care has been taken in compiling this information sheet but it is prepared on instructions and details supplied by the vendor, for whom we act as agents only, and we cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omission (if any). Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of these particulars.