519.6 hectares (1,283.9 acres)
10 kilometres west of Gravesend on River Road, 40 kilometres east of Moree
Single phase power
Mail 3 x weekly
Primary school at Gravesend
Secondary school at Warialda and Moree
Settlement Lease in the process of being converted to freehold
650mm (26 inches)
Mainly sloping to undulating red and chocolate soils
Approximately 250 hectares has been cultivated. There is approximately 63 hectares lasered for irrigation
Mostly new fencing with a laneway system through the middle of the property
Stock water is supplied via 4 new large water storages/dams and frontage to the Gwydir River. Most paddocks have access to 2 different water sources, either bore water, river or dam water
The property has a 77 megalitre Bore Licence and 9 megalitre River Licence.
Irrigation comprises of an equipped bore (75,000 litres/hour) and 2 Grundfos submersible river pumps. Both systems are interconnected with both single and double line 100mm piping. Water is pumped to the house, garden, dams and a 100,000 litre water storage tank. The large dams can be used as part of the irrigation system
4 Bedroom home, 31m x 9m Ranbuild Shed with 4 Roller doors and 2open bays, Hayshed 7.5m x 15m, cattle yards, silage pits – 2000 tonnes
PRICE: Asking $1,000 per acre – $1,290,000
For any further information or inspection, contact:
Moree Real Estate
Phone: (02) 6751 1100
Fax: (02) 6752 1766
After Hours
Paul Kelly – 0428 281 428
Allan Gobbert – 0428 523 375
Cliff Brown – 0428 669 173
“All care has been taken in compiling this information sheet but it is prepared on instructions and details supplied by the vendor, for whom we act as agents only, and we cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omission (if any). Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of these particulars.”