Situated approximately 38 km West of Guyra.

Improvements include: a 2 stand woolshed & timber and steel sheep yards with a steel loading ramp.

Soil type: Predominantly Trap rock, some Basalt and granite.

Timber: There is some excellent stands of timber on the property, these include mostly Yellow Box and Stringybark.

Pastures: There has recently been approximately 40 acres sown with Clover, cocksfoot and ryegrass. The balance of the property comprises a mix of native pasture species and white clover.

Water: There are 4 substantial stock watering dams plus frontage to Winter Station Creek.

Rainfall: Average annual rainfall of 36 inches.

The property is subdivided into 4 main paddocks.

An estimated carrying capacity of 100 cows and calves with significant opportunity to be substantially improved.

Agents comments: This property has excellent potential to be developed to realize some capital appreciation. The terrain is undulating to hilly and has good vehicle and machinery access over a large proportion of the land. Inspection of this property will reveal a genuine investment opportunity.